berbagi ilmu komputer dan elektronik

Latihan Soal Logika pada Gerbang Logika

Soal latihan Gerbang Logika
Buatlah rangkaian dan tabel kebenaran dari soal latihan dibawah ini:
  1. Z = A + (B.C)
  2. Z = (A+B).C
  3. Z = (A+B). A'
  4. Z = (A.B)+B
Pada pembahasan sebelumnya belum disampaikan mengenai simbol AND, OR dan NOT
untuk AND diwakili dengan simbol (.)
OR diwakili dengan simbol (+)
NOT diwakili dengan simbol ( ' )

1. Z = A + (B.C)
a. Rangkaian
Gambar 1.a. Rangkaian Z = A + (B.C)

 b. Tabel Kebenaran
 Gambar 1.b. Tabel Kebenaran Z = A + (B.C)

2. Z = (A+B).C
a. Rangkaian
Gambar 2.a. Rangkaian Z = (A+B).C

 b. Tabel Kebenaran
 Gambar 2.b. Tabel Kebenaran Z = (A+B).C

3. Z = (A+B). A'
a. Rangkaian
Gambar 1.a. Rangkaian Z = (A+B). A'

 b. Tabel Kebenaran
 Gambar 1.b. Tabel Kebenaran Z = (A+B). A'

4. Z = (A.B)+B
a. Rangkaian
Gambar 1.a. Rangkaian Z = A + (B.C)

 b. Tabel Kebenaran
 Gambar 1.b. Tabel Kebenaran Z = A + (B.C)

Mudahkan dalam pengamplikasiannya ke soal latihan ???


  1. rangkaian logikan nya no 4 itu bukanya salah?

  2. makasih sangat membantu banget, tp yg no 4 gerbangnya kebalik gak ya

  3. ijin share tp sambil mengoreksi ya ..monggo mas/mbak admin no 4 nya diganti gambar rangkaiannya

  4. Makasih min, tugas saya stuck di arti simbol petik (')

  5. Listen...

    This might sound kind of creepy, and maybe even a little "out there..."

    HOW would you like it if you could just push "Play" and listen to a short, "miracle tone"...

    And miraculously bring MORE MONEY to your LIFE??

    And I'm talking about BIG MONEY, even MILLIONS of DOLLARS!!

    Sounds way too EASY?? Think it couldn't possibly be REAL?!?

    Well then, I've got news for you.

    Many times the largest blessings in life are also the EASIEST!!

    Honestly, I will PROVE it to you by allowing you to PLAY a real-life "magical wealth building tone" I've synthesized...

    YOU just press "Play" and you will start having more money come into your life.. it starts right away..

    CLICK here now to PLAY this mysterious "Miracle Money Tone" - it's my gift to you!!
